Can you tell me how to get to Sesame St.?
Ok, here is our little match up of Backstreet
Boys to Sesame St. characters.
Cookie Monster Nick - Need more cookies! Cookies good...yo. Me like COOKIES! (DISCLAIMER: This is not a fat joke! they just have the same amount of words in their vocabulary..10 words.)
AJ - Today we are going to learn about the two best letters in the
world..6 and 9. Do you kids know what the best thing about 6 and
9 is?
If you take the 6 and flip
it becomes a 9. If you take a 9 and flip it becomes
a 6. People whose favorite numbers are 6 and 9 are
really cool people.
Especially if they put 6 and 9 together!
Tickle Me Brian - Hehehehehe....that TICKLES! (Starts shaking from laughter)
Bert "Brows" Kevin - All I wanted for my birthday was some twizzers...Ernie can't do ANYTHING right.
- *wink, wink* Awwwww. I'm a nice guy.