Hey people. My parents, myself, and my friend Angela (another BSB fanatic) just got back from a trip to the beach. Well...we had an interesting experience, and it's all the Backstreet Boys fault...well, not really, but still...CAUTION...fans who drive, make sure you know where you are going, otherwise...
The second day that we are down there, Angela and I decide that we really want some Taco Bell for lunch. Well, we are cruising along, playing, or rather BLARING 'Millennium', really getting into the music, and NOT paying attention to the roads, when, we start going over this NARROW bridge. It felt like a roller coaster. (We find out later that it is condemned...still driveable...but geez!) We had gone down too far, and there was no way to turn around! So, we end up going through to the end of the bridge, then trying to make a U-turn and get back on the right route. Didn't work. I thought at first that we were headed for the interstate highway, which would take us back home, and is VERY confusing. I turned the radio down so we could concentrate.
We are driving through some MAJORLY bad areas. I'm talking people LEERING at you as you drive by...the whole time I was like, "I'm scared, I'm scared..." Finally, when this guy pulled up beside us, and he has his window down, I asked him how to get back over the bridge, and he showed us. Whew...that was close! We turned up the music again, and hear these words "...don't wanna lose you now..." Of course, that was met with some serious laughter. All is good, until we start noticing that there are a LOT of palm trees lining the sides of the road that we are on... We don't remember them! So, we turn around, and pull into a gas station, where I run in and desperately say to the attendant "HELP!!! I need directions." he says "Why?" I say, 'Uh, 'cause I'M LOST!" (Why else would someone ask for directions??????) I tell him where we are trying to get to, and the guy that he had just finished ringing up said that he worked right beside the hotel we were staying at. Angela and I are like "Thank you Lord." We hop into the Camry, and follow the guy. I'm thinking, "He could be trying to get us to a deserted street and try something...two young women, one middle aged man...not good odds!" So, I told Angela to write down all the names of the streets we turn off of, and if we aren't back to the hotel in 20 minutes, we are turning back around.
Thankfully, the guy was legit, and we made it back...once we got oriented, and knew where we were, we turned up the radio again and heard "...of being lonely." Weird, huh? Every time we turned up the radio, it played a line about being lost/lonely... And to top that all off, when we FINALLY get to Taco Bell, there is this guy eating in there who looks just like Nick did on the American debut/BSB BACK (2nd Canadian/Europe album). My jaw dropped, and I'm like "o-k" That itself was too weird. We swore not to listen to the BSB unless we know where we are going. They just sing so good that you get wrapped up in listening and singing along that you pay NO attention to where you are going! My parents had a good laugh at our little mistake, and my dad said that we made it back b/c "I wanted it that way!"